Sunday, August 3, 2008

To Ban or not to Ban?

As I've mentioned before, I go to high school at a boarding school in New England. I actually don't board there because I live pretty close and I've always felt a kind of longing to board. I love my school and want to be able to spend as much time as possible there. Since I've gotten my license it's made it a little easier but I don't have a car so I can't drive myself to school and my parents constantly sacrifice their cars for me but it just seems like such a waste of gas for them to have to drive the 25 minutes from my house with two cars to drop one off for me.

I have spent the whole summer saving money from my two jobs and as school shopping time comes closer and closer it has caused a dilemma for me.
  I've really wanted to be able to buy myself a car for awhile which I know is a nearly impossible thing for a 16 year old but with all the clubs and the work I'll have to do with the fashion magazine I'm involved with, school projects I'll have to stay later for, social activities, SAT prep and all the other school events  I feel like I could live in a much more stress free environment if I was able to go off my own schedule.

What do you think? 

Option #1 - I give up on that goal and use my money for school shopping 

Option #2 - I attempt to make a deal with my parents where I pay them in monthly installments from all of my summer money and get a job at school (it's the only job possible for me to get since we go 6 days a week from 8-6) and live vicariously through the rest of your shopping adventures :]



Sharon said...

The car sounds like the most practical and useful choice!!

Aliena said...

I agree with sharon rose, I vote for the car. Let us know wht you decide!

Darling Deer said...

ooh thats a tough one when you love clothes. but you might regret it if you dont go for the carxx

pinup_girl said...

Car! It'll be the most useful option & will help keep you sane during the school year. That's really worth it. Besides, as fun as shopping is, I'm sure you're already loaded with stylish clothes.

Anonymous said...

I car is always nice but paying it is not all: you have to pay the insurance and the gas... can you really afford that?

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

The car! I think you'll appreciate it more in the long run.


I would go for the car first, you can always buy clothes later.


Anonymous said...

buy the car.

it will be the best for you in the long-term.

Katia said...

I would actually go for the car in this case.
Because I mean, there are birthdays, christmas and holidays for your friends to buy you clothes and such?
And I'm sure you'd manage buying some too.
You're a busy girl, you need a car.
And btw yay! All the other bloggers are like in their 20s I'm glad I found someone who's 16 like mee =]

Copycat Sasha said...

I would go for a car, but make sure it's as environmentally friendly as possible! (smartcar, hybrid)

Claudia said...

Because i'm 12, I would choose the clothes, hahaha. Well, you should never never NEVAAAAAAH give up on your goal. And the fashionvictim in me is going to kill me for saying this, but they're just clothes. If you had to choose between the whole.. eh.. Marc by Marc Jacobs collection and a car, I would go with Marc, but those are just clothes.. Very very very beautiful clothes, that's true. But never give up on your goals. NEVERRR. Okay, so now i'm going crazy but you get my point.. Well.. I also agree with Nadine

Ps. Thank you for the nice comment. :)

Anonymous said...

I've done this before to myself on a smaller scale. You tell yourself you don't really need x or y and would rather have clothes. You go without, buy the clothes but then want more clothes when the next season comes with the newest look. Then yo ubargain some more. All the while you really really needed x or y. Don't do it to yourself!

Claudia said...

By the way, want to exchange links?

Siljesfashion said...

Buy the car!!! Theres always some dollars left for something else (thrifting)and ask for clothes for your birthday and christmas!

Lisa said...

The car sounds useful, but as another commenter pointed out, you'll have to pay for insurance, fuel, and maintenance as well. A lot of hidden costs! Think about whether you can sustain the expense long-term.

Ella Gregory said...

That leather jacket is yummy! I want it bad!
Go for the jacket not the car.


Hello! (: My shoes are from a swedish store called "din sko" : "your shoe". Like your blog, can wait too see more! lina

chelsea said...

i vote for the car, and then the jacket for christmas/birthday? :)

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

If the choice is just between clothes and your freedom you know which one most sane young ladies would go for :) I can't talk though - I don't own a car and never want to drive.

You are such a busy girl! I really admire the way you can apply yourself and involve yourself in so many different things.

Penny said...

I think your best option would actually be secret answer number 3: buy a scooter!
1. They are cheaper than cars (in the initial payment and in petrol)
2. They are lot more environmentally friendly
3. You don't get stuck in traffic jams
4. With the money you saved you can go shopping ASWELL

I think it's a no-brainer really!

Toni Alexis said...

def the car! by next season you will want different clothes!


starbrained said...

The car sounds the most practical. And I absolutely adore your blog!

Secretista said...

Uhm, car. As much as I love clothes, shit, a car beats clothes ANYDAY.

I interned at! Great website. visit it :).

Human Racing said...

I vote for the car. But kthen again I chose clothes over a car this summer (mostly because I didn't want ot pay for gas or insurance) so I guess it's ultimately up to you.

Elizabeth said...

To me, the car sounds like the best investment. You "need" it more, if I'm reading you correctly.

Maybe your parents would be willing to match some of your money, or chip in a couple of hundred, if you go to them with a business plan for buying the car. If you don't know how to do a business plan, you could ask them to help you plan for the purchase.

They'll also be excellent help in procuring a good quality car, in the most sensible way possible. I bet your dad would be up for helping you find one.

If you really want the car, then you'll find creative, inexpensive ways to get clothes. Clothes can always be found on sale, in thrift stores, in vintage stores, and in your own closet.

Here's one more suggestion, feel free to ignore:

A Pro and Con list for each item—clothes, and car. Once you are honest with yourself about how you really feel about each item, the answer will become clear.

Elizabeth said...

Oh, and be mindful of what lisa^^said.

Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

The car! Think of the clothes and shoes you can keep in there for emergency or "just for fun" outfit changes :D

♔Jaimie said...

The car!!!!! You'll be so happy, then you can go out clothes shopping whenever you want lol

A Black Tie Event said...

The car! It'll be good for a long-term investment.

Hannah Bee said...


Danz said...

The car sounds like a more useful and long term investment and once you have that in your possession, you can always think about clothes later!

The question is, will you have the time and money to put into regular maintenance?

Couture Carrie said...

Just get a few cheap trendy pieces at Forever 21 and save up for the wheels, girl!!

fash said...

independence every time.
fashion is fun, but no where near as fun as having your own wheels will be.

Alison said...

The car would pay off in the long run..but why couldn't you board at the school?

the assistant said...

id go with the car but you go to school from 8-6 that is crazy i go from 7:40 to 2:45

Times of Glory said...

Dear, having a car will be more practical and you will find it so easy and convenient, I guess xxxxxxxxx

Sam said...

I would pick the car, it will make more sense in the long run!

LalaLiu said...

I would pick the car! lol. with a car you can go shopping, even if it is only window shoppin :P said...

I think the car sounds most practical and useful. That's so awesome that you go to a school in New England! I've always wanted to live on the East Coast. Your school must be absolutely gorgeous!

Aliena said...

Hi! Just to let you know I tagged you in my blog... you can do it either in English or in Spanish, but I though it woud be good practice ;)

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I don't like to mention my college, online--more I think so then I can talk freely about it without feeling bad than protecting myself! Anyway, unless you're looking at small, private Christian colleges I doubt it's one you have applied to!