Thursday, August 14, 2008

Grin and Bear it

This morning I made some phone calls for the fashion magazine just getting back in the swing of things before school starts. I ended up having to go downtown to get some contracts signed and oh so practical me wore 3 inch espadrilles on the 7ish minute walk. Well by the time I got to the boutique I had managed to rip off the skin on enough places on my feet to make me cringe every time I took a step(sorry to be a little gross) . However, it countered by the fact that I sold my first ad for the Fall 2008 edition of Haute (the magazine) and 2 cars stopped me at different points on my walk to compliment me on how much they liked my outfit. It was really sweet and cheered me up a lot.

Also, I have a hair appointment coming up a week from today and seriously thinking of cutting it short. Maybe a little above the shoulders and side bangs. But I'm nervous because I've had long hair my whole life with the exception of one cut in 3rd grade that I think I've tried to burn the pictures of that year of my life-it was not pretty. I'm hoping that shorter hair will make me look a little older and sophisticated but as always I make up pros and cons list in my head and it always takes me a day or so to convince myself of the right choice.

Do you think shorter hair makes people look older and sophisticated?

Here's the outfit of the day and a heel protection kit so you won't have to put band aids all over your feet :/

Foot Petals "Stiletto Survival Kit"


Outfit Details:

Dress- Nordstroms
Headband- Claire's
Shoes- Famous Footwear
Bag- Bahamas


Aliena said...

Sore feet, yes, something I am very familiar with!!! The colour of the dress is amazing!

Claudia said...

You should cut it, it will always grow back. :)

♔Jaimie said...

love it girl. remember, always wear flats and bring your heels in your bag, switch em out about 2 mins before you get there.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Ouch! I hope your poor feet start to feel better soon, how we will suffer for fashion! Short hair can look more sophisticated and is definitely a more mature look than long hair, but it really depends on the face and cut. Short hair can also make certain people look younger.

Sharon said...

You have youth on your side, so if you are itching for a short style, i say go for it!!

LCL said...

very cute!
hooray for haute
I hope I get to help out
I would love to help with photography

also, I wold totally go for the cut
long hair is kind of a hassle and short hair cut right is just fun to have on your head

DaisyChain said...

Ohh your poor feet :(

Love your outfit <3

Lisa said...

Go for the haircut! If you don't like it, it'll always grow out, and in the meantime you can experiment with cute Blair Waldorf-type headbands.

You look really cute in the photos! Too bad about the shoes killing your feet. I sympathize; I'll wear 3" heels out clubbing and after about 2-3 hours of standing, walking, and dancing, my feet will start complaining.

Little Bow Prep said...

Lovely outfit! The color is awesome!

WendyB said...

I definitely think shorter hair is more sophisticated on most people. Go for it!

Anonymous said...

Your outfit looked lovely. There's been so many times when I've worn shoes I know will kill my feet but do it anyway - I really need to invest in a heel protection kit!

I have short hair and if it's styled right it can look mature but it can also look too cutesy. It really depends on the style, but I say go for it!

Lucy said...

short hair looks so much more chic than long I think.

yiqin; said...

Amazing! The color suits you so well :)

Baby Owl. said...

If I could pull off short hair I'd definitely go for it
Lovely dress!


Short hair... thought about it... don't have the courage yet to try it :-)


Elizabeth said...

You look nice! I'm sorry about your feet, that's happened to me, and it's awful. I once walked 50+ blocks in cowboy boots. I needed my moleskin after that, I'll tell you.

Shorter hair is sophisticated if you believe it is, and it helps to have a great stylist.

Human Racing said...

Oh poor feet! I really like the dress. I think you should cut your hair. It can always grow back.

A Black Tie Event said...

go for the short hair cut!

LCL said...

airrr, i hope i can help out with your fashion magazine. i can write crap. or yell at people to buy it. i'll sell it nude, maybe?

LCL said...

that was clare by the way, in case you already didn't know

jess said...

great outfit. Sorry about the feet.Have you tried blister stick it prevents blisters?

Danz said...

Great dress in a really pretty colour! I love blue!

I tried not to overthink my decision to cut my hair for the first time. As long as you have a specific cut in mind, you just have to go for it!

Robin said...

You have a really chic look, I like that

Anonymous said...

Boy I knew exactly how you were feeling. I have a recent scar on my toe from a blister breaking too soon. Congratulations on the ad for your magazine. I didn't know you were planning a magazine. I hope to learn about it and hopefully cross promote it.

Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

It really depends on the cut you are choosing. Most people say I look fresher and younger after I cut my hair - esp when I am in casuals. But I've also been told that I look more career-woman-like when I am in work clothes.

Anonymous said...

i want to try out that stiletto survival kit! i've been thinking of getting some cushions for my higher sandals. =/ i still havent' ventured out in my 4 inch gladiators. it is just nto foot friendly at the moment.

compliments are lovely! i would've been happy too. and congratulations on seling the advert!

Anonymous said...

Nice Dress!!!!

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